Raving Monsters In Seashell Bikinis

So last night I got “turnt” with the best crowd in town: the Toronto (and visiting) monsters. I got to dance the night away with 15,000 colourful monsters decked out in every colour under the rainbow, as well as some black leather and lots of bare skin. I’ve been to a few concerts over the past few years, ranging from an acoustic performance in an all GA venue to a stadium tour (the worst, I don’t recommend it). Lady Gaga has by far been the best, although it’s a tough call trying to choose a favourite between the Born This Way Ball and #artRAVE. But her concerts make you absolutely fall in love. Not just with Gaga and everything she stands for, but yourself and everyone around you. Nothing unites people like a Gaga concert.

Example A: What the hell is judgement? Boys in 6 inch heels and pink skirts, girls in thongs and seashell bras, spandex galore, and if you’re straight, this time you’re the minority. And if you’re like me, you get GA for Gaga. It’s just the only way. Which means you’re surrounded by all sorts of dancing and singing, ranging from “are you a professional?” to “I wonder what they’re on right now”. There’s no homophobia, slut shaming, stigmas about mental illness, judgement for “alone in my bedroom” dancing. Nothing. You can be completely yourself.

Example B: YOU MAKE FRIENDS. February 2013 I had my first Gaga concert. I met many people, and I still talk to 3 of them now. These aren’t just concert friends you meet there and leave forever, while maybe following their twitter. They’re people you can go to when you need them, and really talk to. Much love to my fellow monsters. This year I made 2 new friends in the lineup. I may or may not have taken a picture with my hand on one of their crotches, while his was on my boob. As I said, you make close friends.


(I failed to get a picture with the third, but you get the idea)

Example C: This is my final example of how Gaga brings us all together. I went to the Born This Way Ball last year with my ex-best friend.

photo 1-13


Oh look, an adorable picture of best friends. Unfortunately, a lot of things changed for the worse shortly after, and we were no longer friends. The Born This Way Ball was the last time we saw each other on good terms. Well, this crazy kid (I say it with love) wanted to meet Gaga SO badly, he lined up for a week in February last year to be first in line. For that show, being first in line earned you a meet in greet for 2 with Gaga back stage. And of course, I was the “2”.


Obviously someone with that much dedication was going to be at this concert as well. And we had the same lineup friends from last year. In fact he was going to the concert with them. Now we’ve talked a little bit more recently, after about a year of silence (I’m currently holding my fingers apart in the same way someone describes the penis size of a complete asshole to demonstrate). So it most definitely could have been awkward. But nope, we hugged and have talked a bit and I think our friendship may survive to some degree. Thanks Gaga!

Now those are a few examples of Gaga uniting her monsters. But before I end this, I’ll just throw out a few other highlights of the day/night that highlight what makes a Gaga concert so special. It starts in the lineup. I got there 9 hours before the show started. I was 97th in line. We get a bit excited. Nearby, Beyonce and Jay Z were playing. As their fans walked by us, many shooting dirty looks at the colourful mess of monsters, we sang Gaga songs proudly. A few hundred monsters singing together on the street – it’s not weird there. We also create our own lineup system. It’s not official, but everyone obliges (even when you leave for 3 hours to get dressed like me). Monsters spread the love. But to end it, there’s Gaga herself. During the show, she reads letters from fans. Now picture this – You’ve written to your favourite celebrity. You tell them all about how they’ve saved your life, helped you come to terms with who you are. Their music has calmed you during anxiety attacks, allowed you to accept your sexuality or helped you cope with depression. Now you’re watching this celebrity live, and she reads your letter out loud to the entire crowd, while everyone watches in tears. This is part of the show. But it gets better. Gaga wants to know who the hell you are, she brings you up on stage with her, hugs you, and lets you sit beside her at her piano while she serenades you with Born This Way. I’m not crying guys, I just have glitter in my eye….

I am so lucky to have seen this amazing woman live, twice. I look forward to the next time she graces a Toronto stage. Until then, I have memories (and photos and videos thanks to technology).

Writing With Writer’s Block – Love Edition

I should really try to get on top of this whole making one day for blog posts thing. My blog is a mess, and it’s a pretty good look into what my mind is like. I think you can see where I’m going with this. Or, to reference “It’s Kind Of A Funny Story” (movie version, although the book is better), my mind isn’t a mess. It’s under construction. Anyways, for a second I’ll pretend people actually read my posts. There was one a while back titled “The Unspoken Narrative of Our First Encounter”. And it’s about a boy (surprise). One I’ve spent a lot of time with lately, who has failed to leave my mind since we met. I tried to write about him again, but…

“I want to write about you.

I want poetic words to explain how I feel.

Instead I have an unspoken narrative of what went through my mind when we first met, confessions about you hidden among old research notes for school and 1.5 generic pieces about you and my other heart’s desire, coffee.

There are no creative words I can use to say it.

You haven’t left my mind since I met you. And sometimes I think it’s all in my head, how natural and strong our connection is.

Until we have to explain “grey area” to yet another person who thinks you’ve been my boyfriend since forever. ”

Can you fall in love this fast? Am I just not used to respect? I went from crying in fear to completely confident in a matter of weeks. Am I younge and naive, or just falling in love?